Retirement Home Due Dilligence

Retirement Home Due Dilligence

Do Your Retirement Home Research Due Diligence! By Caroline Inman IN the more than 11 years that Solva has been supporting seniors and families here in Ottawa, we’ve conservatively helped many hundreds of ladies and gentlemen find their new retirement home. Our role...
Your ABC for Future Eldercare

Your ABC for Future Eldercare

I FIND it fascinating that as human beings we plan for life and we plan for death but we typically don’t plan for aging or more specifically advanced aging.  This is short sighted, because advanced aging is when you really do want to have a voice and there are many...
Temporary Help Agencies Require a License to Operate

Temporary Help Agencies Require a License to Operate

NEW rules from the provincial government from 1 July 2024 state companies in Ontario that provide temporary help to their clients, need to be licensed and many businesses and their clients are not aware!  In our seniors housing and eldercare world, ‘temporary help’...
Considerations when moving to memory care in Ottawa

Considerations when moving to memory care in Ottawa

Considerations When Choosing Memory Care by Caroline Inman   If your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, or if you’re noticing brain change with them, it’s normal to wonder how they will continue to cope at home and what the future for care and support...
Your ABC for Future Eldercare

Knowledge and Understanding is Everything by Caroline Inman   In our last article we discussed important factors to consider when choosing your Seniors’ Housing Advisor. This included understanding how they worked, whether they offered a free or paid for service,...
Your ABC for Future Eldercare

How to Select a Senior Living Advisor

What You Need to Know when Selecting a Senior Living Advisor   As our population ages, so grows the senior housing sector. Over the coming years, you will doubtless see an assortment of new options, lifestyles and care offerings from retirement homes, senior...