Four Common Mistakes when Looking for Senior Living

Four Common Mistakes when Looking for Senior Living

The search for the perfect senior living accommodations can be a challenging and complicated process and for many it’s their first time doing it. Many people don’t plan for a search for senior living until it’s needed. For many, guidance on what to do and where to...
Five Ways for Seniors to Thrive this Winter

Five Ways for Seniors to Thrive this Winter

Many of us in Canada try to just survive the winter, but why not thrive this winter instead? Living in Canada, you know that winters can be long, cold and bring lots of snow and ice. For the average person, getting through this season can be a challenge but for many...
Having “The Retirement Home Talk” with your parents

Having “The Retirement Home Talk” with your parents

How to discuss aging and moving to a retirement home, Long Term Care or assisted living with your parents, partner or friends.   The elephant sitting in many rooms across the country is the ‘you can’t live at home alone anymore’ talk. It’s uncomfortable, it’s...
Are your Aging Parents Doing Well Living Alone?

Are your Aging Parents Doing Well Living Alone?

Is your loved one struggling? How would you know? The world has changed for us all over the past few months and no one really understands what their new normal is anymore. It’s quite possible that your frequent visits to your loved ones homes have been reduced to...